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COMMERCIAL EXHIBITS - Located along Commercial Road - this area is all about commercial exhibits of farm equipment, tractors, lawn equipment, pools, hot tubs, saunas, instant garages, steel buildings, sheds, log homes, docks, trailers, trucks & much more.

CRAFT CENTER - The goal is to bring fair visitors a large variety of crafts and products made in the great State of Maine and within the West Oxford Agricultural Society. With no grandfathered rights, vendors in the Craft Center must go through an application process and jury review each year. They must reside within the state of Maine or the following New Hampshire towns within the West Oxford Agricultural Society (Freedom, Easton, Bartlett, Chatham, Conway and Jackson).

ENERGY ROW - is an outdoor vendor area established in 2009 which is devoted to showing different sources of energy and energy efficiency products. The area has been well received by our thousands of fairgoers, especially with the new addition of food trucks which has provided unique food choices to participating vendors and visitors. The Fair enjoys an annual gate attendance of around 260,000, which includes a built-in audience of about 5,000 R.V. campers.

EXPOS - We have three Expo Buildings - Expo Center, Expo 1 & Expo 5 on the Fairgrounds that offer vendors from all over the opportunity to exhibit and sell their products and services. If you are a wholesaler, retailer, craftsmen or service provider, any one of the Expo Buildings will offer plenty of opportunity to showcase your business. These buildings are open to the public from 9am - 9pm for the eight days of our event.

INDEPENDENT MIDWAY - The Independent Midway consists of outdoor vending space not included within the boundaries of the Carnival. This area hosts a wide range of vendors selling anything from fried dough to furniture, hot dogs to home furnishings, jumbo donuts to custom made jewelry. Fryeburg Fair provides a platform for a number of local not-for-profit organizations within a setting where their product gets exposure to hundreds of customers over an eight-day period.

NATURAL RESOURCE CENTER - The Natural Resource Center features exhibits that educate and promote businesses that pertain to natural resources and ecology. Exhibits are open everyday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. during Fair week.

SPECIALTY FOODS PAVILION - The Specialty Foods Pavilion opened in 2012 and has been a favorite amongst fairgoers. The concept of the Pavilion came from the Fair's desire to provide a place for people to sell their local specialty products derived from local agriculture, the basic tenet of Fryeburg Fair's mission. Vendors within the Pavilion are juried and must reside in the State of Maine or New Hampshire.

WOODSMEN'S FIELD DAY EXHIBITORS - Woodmen's Field Day is a Fryeburg Fair tradition - always the first Monday starting at 9 a.m. Woodsmen's Field Day is for men and women from all over the U.S. who compete in over 27 woods-related events. Bucksaw, standing block, the axe throw, tree felling, crosscut, springboard, we have it all. Events run all day with winners and awards given out regularly and also at the closing of the day, typically around 5 p.m. Be sure to join us at Woodmen's Field Day. You're going to love it!
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